
Before you start

  • Make sure you have a clear plan in mind for your project. Just like when you apply for a building permit, you must know what you plan to do before you start to fill out the application. This may include drawings with dimensions, maps, pictures, etc.
  • Always download the most recent JARPA from the JARPA page. It is important you have the most current version.
  • Contact the local city or county government. Not all cities and counties accept JARPA for their local shoreline permits. Use the Summary of Questions to Ask Local Government; it may save you from needing to make multiple phone calls to your local government.
  • Contact your local planning department. Find out if your project falls under the jurisdiction of the Critical Areas Ordinances and the National Flood Insurance Program. If it does you may be able to use JARPA.
  • A State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Checklist may be required for your project. SEPA analyzes the environmental impacts of a project. SEPA must be completed before local and state permits can be issued.
  • Contact each permitting agency. Agencies may require more information or materials not specifically required in JARPA. Early coordination with all of the agencies may prevent delays in the processing of your application.
  • Work with the local Fish and Wildlife Area Habitat Biologist (AHB) early in the process. They will help you identify any special constraints, habitat guidelines, or issues that may crop up during fish habitat and aquatic permit projects. A list of AHB names and phone numbers is available online at
Check out the following resources:
  • Call Before You Dig - You can have the underground utilities located for FREE with one quick call to 811. Simply dial 8-1-1 at least two business days before your digging project and all the utility companies in your area will mark their lines for you. If you do not make the call before starting work, you may be subject to penalties along with repair costs due to any damage.

  • Glossary - Definitions for some environmental permitting terms.

  • ORIA Information Center - If you need help filling in the application or want to give us your suggestions, contact the ORIA Information Center at (360) 725-0628 or (800) 917-0043 or visit the website. The Information Center can help you figure out what permits you need, help you through the process, and give you contacts at local, state, and federal offices that can help you.

  • Project Questionnaire - Fill out an online questionnaire to find out what permits you may need for your project.

  • Regulatory Handbook - Look here for current environmental permit information.

When you fill in JARPA

  • Make sure to check the box next to each permit you think you will need. You will need to send an original signed copy of the application to all the agencies associated with the boxes you checked.
  • If you need help figuring out which permit(s) you need see the Get Help section below.
  • Be very detailed and specific; more information is better than less.
  • Make sure your site maps and drawings are consistent with the written description you give on the application.
  • Check out our online glossary for definitions of words that are new to you. If you can't find the word you are looking for, let us know and we will add it to the glossary.
  • Put N/A in any questions that do not apply to your project. Don't just leave it blank.
  • Use the help screens for every question, even if you don't think you need to.
  • Understand that when you sign the application, you give permission to the agencies that you are applying for a permit from the right to enter the property where your project is located. This is to inspect the proposed, in-progress, or completed work. You also agree to start work ONLY after you get all of the necessary permits.

Permit fees

The following information outlines fees associated with permits that can be applied for using JARPA.

  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps): Section 10 and Section 404.
    • A fee of $100 is charged for commercial projects.
    • A fee of $10 is charged for non-commercial projects.
    • No fee is charged to federal, state, or local government agencies.
    • No fee is charged for general permits (e.g., Nationwide Permits, Regional General Permits) or Letters of Permission.
    • More information is available in the Code of Federal Regulations: 33 CFR 325.1(f).
  • U.S. Coast Guard: Private Aids to Navigation (PATON).
    • No fee.
Local (City or County)

Fees for local permits are variable and are determined by local governments. Contact your city or county for more information.

What to expect after you submit your application

  • Agencies may require more information not specifically required in JARPA. It is not until they start the review process that they can find out what other information they need to make a decision about your permit.
  • If you get a letter from an agency requesting more information, respond with a letter of acknowledgement as soon as possible. This will help prevent delays.
  • If changes are made to the project or site plans during the permitting process, send the updated information to each permitting agency. If you don't, it may delay your permits, project construction or you may get a penalty.
  • Call the ORIA Information Center at (360) 725-0628 or (800) 917-0043 if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help you.

JARPA help feature

JARPA has a great help screen feature for each question. Each screen will give you instructions to help you create a complete application packet. To take advantage of this feature you must have an Internet connection as you fill in the application.